Food and Nutrition, lifestyle

Earl Grey Tea and Its Benefits

Tea time is a chance to slow down,
pull back and appreciate our surroundings.
– Letitia Baldrige

Since first appearing in the 18th century, Earl Grey tea (also known as Bergamot tea) became extremely popular, mainly because of its amazing health benefits. 

It is a blend of black tea and bergamot orange extracts which makes it so unique. It is said that the tea was named after the British prime minister Charles grey. Though the origin of the tea has many stories to it, the most common story is that it was specifically blended for him. 

Over time, the popularity of this particular blend soared as it was consumed within royal families and elite groups. The citrus flavor extracted from bergamot gives the tea a refreshing flavor, which can be consumed any time of day.


  • Rich of antioxidants – As the tea is full of antioxidants, it helps in boosting immunity and having a healthy lifestyle.
  • Detoxes body of free radicals– As per the new age lifestyle of unhealthy food, drinks, and smoking, we generate a lot of free radicals in our body which eventually causes many diseases like cancer, premature aging, and many more. Earl grey tea helps in detoxing our blood cells and removes free radicals from our system.
  • Energizes– Earl grey tea has a safe amount of caffeine in it which is enough to boost our energy and help us focus. Also, the citrus flavor helps in feeling refreshed when we feel tired or restless.
  • Enhances digestion– This tea helps in keeping a good gut health and digestion process. It also helps in case of vomiting or nausea.
  • Keeps oral infections at bay– Due to the high content of catechins and fluoride, it helps in reducing tooth decay and bacteria. It also reduces bad breath.
  • Acts as an anti-depressant– The high antioxidants, vitamin C, caffeine, and many other minerals help in releasing stress. It enhances one’s mood and helps in focusing better as well as thinking better.
  • Aids weight loss– Earl grey tea helps break down fat cells and lowers the cholesterol level in our body and hence helps in weight loss while maintaining a healthy and proportionate diet.
  • Helps in recovering from flu and cold– Along with the vitamin C and Riboflavin content, this tea helps in getting relief from congested chest due to flu and cold.
  • Keeps our heart healthy– As the minerals in black tea have the property of lowering blood pressure, Earl grey tea along with the antioxidants helps to keep cardiovascular disease away and gives a healthy heart.

I hope you found this post helpful. Please like and follow my page to get future updates from my website and please write your suggestions below in the comment section to help me improve my posts.

Thank You!

Have a great day ahead.


Pratha Nayak

lifestyle, Self Improvement

Habits of Successful People

Success isn’t over night. It’s when everyday you get a little better than before. It adds up.
– Dwayne Johnson

Photo by Gerd Altmann on

Hello Everyone!

Today I am writing about habits of highly successful people. From past few months I have been trying to implement few of them into my lifestyle and I really feel amazing change in my health and mindset. Some how I feel it changes the way you think as well. It is told by researchers that to implement any particular habit, it takes 21 days of repetition. If you stick to a habit for 21 days straight, your brain starts to get into the pattern. So I am going to list those habits down for you and I also encourage you to at least try implementing few of them into your lifestyle.

Self-Discipline and Consistency– Well discipline is big on successful people’s plate. This is one of the main reason for who they are today. Do you think an athlete will achieve success if he/she doesn’t have a planned routine for practice? If he/she is not consistent to practice everyday, can they win any game at all? That’s why it is very important to plan your days and stick to it every day if you really want to be successful.

Photo by Joseph Redfield on

They start their day early- Waking up early is always told as a good habit by our elders. But we hardly ever bother to consider it. But guess what, most of the successful people make sure to wake up early and start their day as soon as possible. I know its hard, at least for me it is really hard. But if we think about it, when we have a motive, we do get up on time. Like when we have to catch an early bus or flight. When we have planned a trip for a vacation, we are actually happy to get up early but why don’t we do that every day. That is because we lack a motive. If you give yourself a motive of why you need to wake up early, it might become easier every morning. Plus you get a lot of time for yourself and to get things done. Just think about the days when you are late and you take a shower in a hurry, you get dressed in a hurry and you even skip you breakfast. And in that process you go through lot of mishaps. you really don’t like those days, do you?

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They make reading a priority- Successful people make sure they make some time throughout the day to read a book or articles or anything of their interest. Reading helps you to gain knowledge and also makes you confident and raises your self-esteem. It may be just for 15 mins every day but I suggest you make some time to read.

Take time for yourself- Everyday you should definitely make time for yourself when you can think about yourself. It’s called “self-reflection”. You think about “what you are doing in life?”. “Are you going in the right direction of your goal?”.
Think how you can make your life better. I suggest you do this in a peaceful time but not before going to sleep. It might make you stressful and you will end up losing sleep. It is better to have this alone time after waking up.

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Stay Healthy- Successful people make their health a priority. They get up early and they also sleep on time to get the necessary hours of sleep. Well they do have to burn the midnight oil once in while but they make sure to get back into their routine. They exercise, may be not daily but they make time for specific days in a week. Some people say exercising helps them to release stress and keep focus throughout the day.

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Set goals and get going- Well once you set a goal, you need to make an action plan. Successful people don’t laze around thinking, “Hey I want to achieve that one day”. Well that day never shows up. What they do is they make a plan of what needs to be done to achieve their goal and they actually start implementing the plan.

Don’t waste time- When you are passionate enough about your goal, you don’t waste time. There will be always something to do. Successful people don’t waste their time watching movies on a couch by eating pop corn. They don’t go to party every weekend at some club. They do it once they achieve their goals to celebrate. And whatever time they get, they spend it with their family or people who are important to them.

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Stay focused and be honest- As I talked about being consistent in beginning, well it is really important. You need to stay focused and don’t give up when you fall after crossing a bump. If you are being honest to yourself, then you will never lose your focus. Just ask yourself, What benefit are you going to get if you keep lying to yourself.

Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.
-Ken Poirot

So guys I hope you will try to implement some of the above mentioned habits. Please like and follow my page to get the future updates from my website and please write your suggestions below in the comment section to help me improve my posts.

Thank You!
Have a great day ahead.


Pratha Nayak

Self Improvement

Productive Habits



Welcome to TWI!

Nowadays we all have a busy life, and we all want to finish all work faster and also want to get better results…

First and most important point is to form those habits which will make us more productive in the day to day life.

  • Focus on one task at a time– We often try to finish multiple tasks at the same time and end-up ruining everything. By focusing on one task at a time we give our best performance.
  • Take breaks and give time to yourself– We get so tired by continuously working and obsessing over finishing everything that we forget to give rest to our body and mind. By taking a break once in a while we rejuvenate our ability to do better.

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”- Ovid

  • Make list- This is the best practice to make our day productive. By making a list we get to prioritize our work and keep a track of our whole day.
  • Finish the most important task first to get the best result- We all have a peak time for the whole day. For some people, it’s the early morning and for some its midnight and also for some people it is the daytime. We should keep the most important work of the day at that time. In that peak time, our mind works faster and better than any other time of the day.
  • Start your day by focusing on yourself- I guess there are a lot of people who have a habit of checking emails and social media updates as soon as they open their eyes. Once we wake up in the morning, our body and mind are at ease. Its the best time to give ourselves. We should do something for our well being in this particular time. Just have a cup of tea without a mobile or newspaper. Or do yoga or exercise. Spend that time with your family. Your whole day will go well by doing so. 
  • Embrace your failure- One thing I have learned with my life experiences is that failure makes us stronger to handle the hard times of life. Getting failure is not a bad thing, it just puts a pause button on our racing life. It gives us time to take a good look at every aspect of life and take proper decisions. So instead of feeling bad, start feeling grateful to have that time in your life.
  • Stop procrastination- Some people procrastinate to plan their work and some people procrastinate to delay it. Be the first kind of person. By delaying work no one has achieved good results until today, it only increases the pressure on us.
  • Note down all the “Oh Yes!” moments instantly– Does it ever happen to you, that you are working out or walking somewhere or even shopping and suddenly new idea pop-ups to your mind regarding work or hobby? Yes? Suddenly we say “Oh yes! Then note it down and implement it as soon as possible. Often we forget those ideas and move on with life which becomes a regret later.
  • Believe that you are different than others- Confidence is key to success, doesn’t matter whether we are capable to do a task or not, it is important to believe that we can do it. We can always learn new things and do any task, that’s what makes us different than others and it is important to believe the same.
  • Don’t compare yourself with others- Comparing ourselves with others will only demoralize us. Each person has a unique set of qualities and talents in the different field, which makes everyone different from each other. So its very obvious everyone has different way and pace to work and perform.
  • Power of “why” keeps you moving ahead- Its very important to understand Why you are doing what you are doing. Usually, many of us know what we are doing. Many of us also know how to do it as well, but very few people know why they are doing. Those are the few people who reach their goal sooner and also in the way to reach there they inspire others a lot. The Golden circle by Simon Sinek suggests that start with Why, discuss the How, and end with What.Image result for power of why


So guys its time to start making changes in our day to day life.

Hope the above tips were helpful to you all, if yes then please click the Like button below and follow my page so that I can come up with new ideas.

Have a great week!


Pratha Nayak